Biti's Back2School
Biti's is the leading shoewear manufacturer in Vietnam and they wanted to celebrate the return of kids to school by creating the Back2School campaign.
The concept by Dentsu Redder VN had the kids literally breaking out of Zoomschool, the homebase of online learning, and jumping off to enjoy the outdoors: the sports acitivities, the food, and the culture!
We created a total of 3 spots featuring 3 different kids. Each spot highlights a specific set of sports and outdoor elements.
Each spot is also featuring a specific shoewear, which we had to recreate in 3D to fit into our original kiddie characters. You can see these 3 footwear models below:

To tie everything together, we also designed the 3 kid characters featured in the spots: The Sports Champ, The Sk8ter Girl and the Adventurous Soul. We collaborated with both client and agency in cherry picking which element belong to which kid, so that we had sets of carefully curated objects that we'll use to layout the print ads and spots.

The layout underwent a few rounds of sketching in order to lock the composition in place. As with any 3D illustration though, once we have the 3D assets on hand, there would be endless iterations to make sure everything fits well together.

Here's a peek at one of the storyboards we cooked up for the Sk8ter Girl spot

And here's the set of the final print artwork that we also delivered as a part of the campaign.

Client: Bitis
Agency: Dentsu Redder VN
Creative Director: Livio Grossi
The Acid House
Design Director: Ivan Despi
Design: Cherylee Sng and Mica Bautista
3D character modeling and sculpting: Rod Tinapay
3D assets: Jeff Hazel Ombrete and Ivan Despi
3D animation: Sean de la Torre
2D FX: Cherylee Sng