We were asked by World Wildlife Fund Singapore to develop the campaign poster and key visual for Earth Hour 2019. There were a few mandatories that we had to work with, like the brand font and the use of the wi-fi symbol, a permissive icon of Earth Hour through the years.
WWF told us that the silhouette should remain the same, but anything within that silhouette is fair game. So we really went in. :)
We wanted to present each layer of the wi-fi symbol as an important element of the environment. Here's the final poster:

After finishing up the poster, we were also asked to work on the floor plan of the event, which will function as a guide for participants to discover where all the shops, stalls, and stages are. This map was also used by the WFF staff for the wayfinding assets that was scattered all over the event grounds.

Last but definitely not the least, we also created an animated promo video for the event, based on the look and feel we developed for the poster. Check it out below:
Client: World Wildlife Fund Singapore / Earth Hour 2019
WWF Creatives: Trisha Maria Mascarenhas, Firdaus SaniPoster designer & illustrator: Ivan Despi
Animation & compositing: Gerone Perez, Ivan Despi