Last January, we were tapped by Critica SG to work on MTV's ident for the Chinese new year. The client's idea was to show artists like Miley, Charlie XCX & Selena transforming into a stylized monkey character, as a nod to 2016 being the year of the monkey. The rotoscoping & tracking was tedious work, but it's definitely one of the best ways to open the brand new lunar year :)
This was featured in From Up NorthÂ

Developing the correct style for the Monkey's eyes

Paint or no paint?
Client: MTV / Critica SG
Creative Director (MTV): Mike Tan
Creative Director (Critica): Xavier Oon
Video edit: client
Prod House: Acid House
Character design: Gerone Perez
Styleframe & 2D animation: Gerone Perez, Jo Gregorio & Ivan Despi
Final comp: Ivan Despi
Music: client
Creative Director (MTV): Mike Tan
Creative Director (Critica): Xavier Oon
Video edit: client
Prod House: Acid House
Character design: Gerone Perez
Styleframe & 2D animation: Gerone Perez, Jo Gregorio & Ivan Despi
Final comp: Ivan Despi
Music: client