My Movie Channel is a brand-new player in the host of 24-hour movie channels on cable. Seeking to differentiate themselves from the pack, they approached us and asked for an on-air package that focuses on something else other than the usual trailer-edit of movie clips.

It was the client's idea to focus on the stories. We liked their idea and both sides agreed that making use of film quotes, the ones that really define the movie, is a good approach. The logo came from the client side, and the smart quote logo mark cements the feel that we would like to execute.

Style guidelines for the application of the MMC smart quote
The approach of using film quotes permeates through almost all of the elements of the on-air package. We wanted to invite the viewers to the channel by appealing to the personal sentiments they have developed with the memorable lines.
Of course, the only way for this to be effective is to select the perfect quote that encapsulates what each of the movies are all about.

We were also tasked to create seasonal idents for the channel. Here are two of them that we created for the Christmas and New Year.
Lastly, for the main channel ID, instead of featuring a slate of the movies they carry, we resorted to a mission-vision of sorts that delivered what the channel is and what it wants to be. The copy was provided by the client and we used a variant of kinetic typography to execute the SID.

That's it, hope you liked it, and thank you!
Client: My Movie Channel / Solar Entertainment Corporation
Channel Head: Hanna Molina
Creative Director: Cessy Sevilla
Logo Design: Client
Direction, Animation & Editing: The Acid House
Designers & Animators: Ivan Despi, Pauline Vicencio-Despi, Dale Dellosa & Ikil Muya
Music: Reev Robledo
November 2013
Music: Reev Robledo
November 2013